Gary can be contacted via the following:
mobile: +44 (0) 7821 - 527285 or 7864 - 767520
Instagram: gkphoto58
Twitter: @TrebleBlue
Facebook: Gary Kimber
I am also on Whatsapp, obviously by using phone number
I also have photos on display and for print purchases etc, at:
Fine Art America:
On both of the above sites, there exists the opportunity to purchase a wide variety of wall art (Canvas, Prints, Acrylic prints etc) and photo gifts .
I also have a presence on Viewbug as gkphoto58.
I now also have a presence on YouPic as Gary Kimber.
Alternatively, please use the contact form below to send an e-mail.
with regard to Links used on this website, under photos, or listed below - Please note that the use of these Links in no way imply endorsement of or by or association with any of the companies/organisations involved. They are simply relevant to the photo, if inserted under a photo in a Gallery (enabling you to find out more about the place or driver in the photo), or if listed below are simply Links to things I like & think you may interested in taking a look at.