Media Services
Having been a Motorsport fan all my life – I have been a spectator, a marshal and a photographer during my time – I have a very good knowledge and understanding of racing and am able to translate that into writing about it. My race photography started in the 1970's but I became more involved on a regular basis from 1983.
In2007, I started a full colour karting magazine – initially called Kent Karting, before expanding to become Southern Karting – which ran for a total of three years before I was forced to cease publication due to the financial burden becoming too great. During this publication run, I designed and produced the magazine as well as writing many of the reports and taking many of the photos. I did get some assistance from contributors at circuits further away, as it wasn’t possible to cover them all. During this time I covered the racing exploits of Billy Monger for local papers and produced a sponsorship portfolio for him.
For the past seven years I have written articles for local papers for Nick Padmore (and posted on Twitter for him on numerous occasions), starting with the Surrey Mirror Group and then switching the West Sussex County Times when Nick moved a couple of years ago (examples below).