After a few years of intending to go, we finally made it to Bath primarily for the Xmas Market. The additional part of going was that we would have time for a bit of a photographic exploration, as several areas looked interesting when we looked at Google Images.
Our trip down to Bath went well, but took longer than originally expected. Further delays occurred while finding the Park & Ride location. We started following signposts for the P&R but they suddenly disappeared at inopportune moments. Eventually, we found ourselves behind a P&R bus, so decided to follow it as it was headed out of town. True to expectations, it led us directly to the P&R and enabled us to get on with our day.
The sun was till shining by the time we reached the spot alongside the river, where you can look towards Pulteney Bridge - though earlier in the day would have been better for the sun on the view.
We spent more time wandering around and viewing some parts of the Xmas Market, which wasn't as marvellous had we had expected from reviews and reports from previous years.
Eventually darkness fell and the temperature dropped further. We decided to revisit a spot I had used earlier for a view of the bridge (not the view above) and take a photo of the scene lit up at night. First below shows the early pic, while 2nd one was obviously after dark from same spot.
We did also have a quick look around inside the Cathedral in the City, but there was a lot of very noisy work going on restoring one side and it really wasn't that impressive. Several other probable points of interest, like the old Roman Baths, had entry fees that deterred us from entering even though they may have yielded more photo opportunities and given some more memorable experiences.
We didn't get to some areas that may well have proved interesting, due to time lost getting there and parking, but we are not planning any imminent return.