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Gary Kimber

Glow Wild - wow

A few months ago, we saw an advert for Glow Wild at Wakehurst due to be held during the run-up to Christmas. Having previously been to Wisley Gardens for a similar event a few years ago, we were keen to attend this one.

Tickets and time slots for arrival needed to be booked in advance online, which we duly did. Arriving in plenty of time, a plan that looked well advised as to view the the car park got very busy after we had parked, we parked and then looked around the gift shop.

Finally it was time for our time slot to enter the gardens and follow the paths around the estate to view the light displays.

This turned out to be a fabulous display of varying colours and shapes of lanterns, with some areas having audio of animal noises etc especially where the lanterns were particular animals.

The continually colour changing display on the lake looked brilliant and managed to keep us entertained even when the rain started to fall lightly for a short while. A little further around the walk, there was another photogenic display showing the moon and stars - a bit tricky to capture photos of as they kept swinging around in the breeze.

Next we came to two tented tunnels over the path, which were lit up by revolving lights.

Towards the end of the walk, we entered the walled garden and here we found the path on one side roped off but lit up by torches of fire.

The final display we were due to see was a film show projected onto the walls of the house - the film showed 'evolution' from seed to plant and then grow seeds which were dispersed and then grow again. Leaves mulched, worms and snails featured and it was really quite charming and beautifully done. The moving elements were difficult to photograph, but the tree below was static for long enough.

Overall, out walk around took about 2 hour with some time spent taking the photos. It really was an excellent evening and one which definitely didn't disappoint.

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