Well, having hankered after a much better location than Crawley where we have been living, we have now moved to Littlehampton on the West Sussex coast. A lovely location, with many interesting areas around for Us to explore - given time.
The first week saw me taking a few phone photos, but not actually getting out with the camera. Finally, a week after we moved into the superb South facing flat that we have rented, a day off from work yielded favourable conditions for an adventure with the camera.
Sitting in our front room. looking out of the window, it was obvious that the interesting cloud formation would be reflected in the shallow water left by the receding tide.
Upon arrival on the beach, my initial observations were duly confirmed. I was surrounded by potential photo opportunities with dramatic clouds beautifully reflected in the shallow waters and wet sand. I was spoilt for choice for composition and moved around to a few different spots to alter my viewpoint and therefore my foreground and composition.

This was not at sunset, that would follow about an hour or so later. The ripples in the sand created more foreground interest and allowed me to use lead-in lines from bottom right.
So, after a short break for my dinner , I nipped back out for the sunset and was rewarded with more lovely reflections in shallow water and wet sand.

The above was late in my shoot, as the small waves from incoming tide started to wash in from my left.
I am thoroughly excited by the prospects of sunrises and sunsets here in Littlehampton - the next two posts will show two different sunrises from the following week.